Our Comprehensive Montessori Programs: Nurturing Growth at Every Stage

Our Comprehensive Montessori Programs: Nurturing Growth at Every Stage

At Alphabets Montessori School, we recognize that education is an evolving journey that unfolds with each developmental milestone. Our meticulously designed programs are crafted to provide a nurturing and enriching experience that evolves with your child's progress.

Infant Program:

Building Strong Foundations

Our infant program is tailored for children aged approximately 6 weeks to 18 months. During this critical phase, our dedicated caregivers create a secure and stimulating environment that fosters early sensory and cognitive development. We understand the importance of this early stage in building a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Toddler Program:

Encouraging Curiosity and Independence

Our toddler program, designed for children aged around 18 months to 3 years, embraces the natural curiosity of this age group. Our approach encourages independence and self-expression, empowering toddlers to explore their surroundings and interact with their peers. Through carefully crafted activities and engaging materials, we nurture essential skills while fueling their sense of wonder and discovery.

The Children's House Program:

Cultivating Lifelong Learners

The Children's House program, tailored for ages approximately 3 to 6, represents a transformative stage where curiosity blossoms into a genuine love for learning. Rooted in the Montessori philosophy, this phase emphasizes not only academic growth but also the cultivation of life skills, character development, and social aptitude. Our multi-age classrooms encourage collaboration, leadership, and a sense of responsibility, preparing children for a seamless transition to primary school.

At Alphabets Montessori School, we are committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience that nurtures your child's growth at every stage. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your child's development.